Monday, June 20, 2011


I have been putting off writing a paper.  In blog land that must be a pretty common statement (Probably even common in tweet-ville too).

Today I make the first steps toward paper generation. I begin with the fingers rather than the brain.  'Ok, start OpenOffice Writer, name the new file'. Done--then I go do something else.

This paper is my final personal theology paper for my MDiv program.  It should be freighted with significance, but by now I am just weary and beginning to write perfunctory papers.  I am at least pleased that this final one is for a teacher who cares.

When I come back I can't find it, and have a moment of 'where did it go?' confusion.  Then I see it.  I named it My Theology, or as it shows mytheology.  Hmmm, nice.  I have invented a new word that is so different from what I originally wrote that it is unrecognizable. It seems to mean something special in its new incarnation.

Signs sometimes appear where least expected.

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