Friday, July 29, 2011

Thesis Time

When a Masters program is four years long, at the beginning it feels eternal.  This is my life, this is what I do. I go to school and that is that.  There are blessings to that closed horizon.  If you are supposed to live in the moment, you are living in a four-year moment that feels protected somehow.  School is life simplified.

Last week I started my thesis and if I have been in Plato's cave, its been a full of fuzzy shadows.  I have a strong set of archetypes that I associate with school and my school has not always lived up to the archetypes.  However, thesis is another time for fulfilling another dream.

I can feel myself trying to live out this ideal of the student focused on one pursuit.  Someone who walks into walls as she thinks.  So far it is going well.  I am a little behind the imposed schedule, but not worried about it.  I am clearing the decks.  Today I need to write a paper on Islam to clear more space in my brain.  The paper finishes the only other class I am taking -- then i can really concentrate.